The Delivery Card provides an easy-to-understand, visual representation of all upcoming deliveries. Each card represents a specific vehicle delivery and is packed with vital details, such as the customer's name, stock number, and delivery time.
The Delivery Card is a powerful module within our workflow software that encapsulates all necessary information relating to vehicle delivery. Displayed within a calendar, the Delivery Card provides an easy-to-understand, visual representation of all upcoming deliveries. Each card represents a specific vehicle delivery and is packed with vital details, such as the customer's name, stock number, delivery time, and the initials of the staff involved.
Basic Information: On the surface, the Delivery Card carries basic but crucial information like customer name, stock number, delivery time, and the initials of the staff involved. This basic data ensures you're never at a loss when it comes to recalling specifics about each delivery.
Advanced Information: Icons and coloring are used to communicate add-ons and other information associated with the delivery. Read more about deciphering the icons here, or hover over them.
Status: Read more about the status here.